Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Apple and Pomegranate Tarte Tatin

A tarte tatin is a French dessert that was first baked in 1880. It is basically an upside down tart where the fruit is first caramelized in butter and sugar before being baked. The traditional tarte tatins are usually made with apples but today a wide variety of berries and other fruits are used. 

Here I have used golden apples and reduced pomegranate juice.

The pomegranate syrup which is added to the apples adds a nice tartness that balances all the sugar and butter.

Make sure you have plenty of extra apples (or any other fruit you're using). They tend to shrink while cooking. Just add more fruits as necessary. 
The crust was deliciously flaky because of the sour cream. I find the best crusts always have some sort of cream in them. 

The best way to eat it is as soon as it comes out of the oven with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. Yum! 

This was the first time I had attempted to make this and it was a grand success! It was gobbled up within the day.

Recipe to come.